Tips For Reducing Heating Costs

Now that summer is at an end, temperatures are going to begin dropping steadily. Like most homeowners and business owners throughout the Philadelphia area, odds are you’ll be relying more and more on your heating system to keep your property warm and comfortable. Unfortunately, this also means that your heating costs are going to get higher and higher. However, there are several ways that you can keep those heating costs down.

Reducing Your Monthly Heating Costs

The following are a number of tips that you should follow in order to reduce your heating costs while still keeping your home or place of business warm and safe throughout fall and winter:

  • Use your curtains wisely – Figure out which windows face the sun during the day and leave them open to let in as much sunlight (and heat) as possible. Keep the curtains on the windows facing away from the sun closed to keep the heat trapped inside. Once night comes around, make sure the curtains are all closed to help prevent heat from escaping. This allows you to depend less on your heating system.
  • Change your air filters – Clean or replace your air filters every month. Dirty air filters will obstruct the flow of hot air throughout your home or business.
  • Use your ceiling fans – Believe it or not, but ceiling fans can be extremely effective during the winter. Flip the switch on the body of the fan to run it in reverse. The blades will push the hot air that’s rising up back down, thereby keeping your rooms warm and preventing heat from escaping towards the ceilings. Because your home or business will be more evenly heated, your heating system won’t have to work more to replace lost heat.
  • Insulate the attic – If your attic isn’t properly insulated, it should be. Insulation in the attic will help keep warm air from escaping through your ceilings and up into the attic, where it’s not needed.
  • Install a programmable thermostat – A programmable thermostat will allow you to program your heating system to heat your home to different temperatures at different times of the day for up to a week in advance. This means that you can program it to lower to a more cost efficient setting right after you leave home for work and have it go back up to a more comfortable setting right before you return.
  • Get a tune-up – Have your heating system inspected by a professional. They will repair or replace worn out parts, clean dirty components and lubricate moving pieces to ensure that your system will not only function more effectively but more efficiently as well.

These are a few tips that can help you to reduce the cost of heating your home or place of business during the colder times of the year. If you need a residential or commercial heating system inspection in the Philadelphia area, be sure to contact us at W.F. Smith today.

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W.F. Smith was the original installer when I bought my house 34 years ago. Since that time I have had, on occasion, tried others for service but I have found Smith has been the most prompt, courteous & knowledgeable of them all.